
Make a donation

Thank you so much for supporting Your local Women’s Refuge with a donation. We appreciate every dollar.

We’ll use your donation wisely to help make your community a safer place for women and children. All donations over $5 are tax deductible and we’ll provide you with a receipt once we have your contact details.

Please choose the method of donation that suits you best – and however you decide to make your donation, we thank you very much.

Donate online by credit card or debit card

Our online givealittle page is secure, and we promise not to share the information collected on the online form with anyone else. Please make your credit or debit card donation here.

Set up an automatic payment

Automatic payments are one of the easiest and best ways that you can support Women’s Refuge because your regular donations help us to plan for the future effectively and efficiently. Donating in this way also helps us save costs such as administration, stationery and postage. Please email us for more information.

Internet banking

You can make donations by online banking. Simply log in to your bank account online, and make a payment directly to the Women’s Refuge account. Please email us for our account details.

Donate by cheque

Please make your cheque out to Wellington Women’s Refuge and post it to:

Wellington Women’s Refuge
PO Box 11985
Manners Street

If you would like a receipt, remember to put your full name and address in the envelope so we can send one out to you. 

Payroll giving

Many employers are offering the opportunity to voluntarily donate to your favourite charity through payroll giving. Donations of your nominated amount are made straight from your pay, giving an immediate 33% tax credit on your donation. Donating this way means you won’t have to submit receipts to the IRD at the end of the tax year to get a refund, and your PAYE is reduced by the amount of the tax credit. To support us through payroll giving, check it out with your employer first and then email us.

Make a bequest in your will

Even small bequests are of enormous value to Wellington Women’s Refuge and they are very gratefully received. To remember us you will need to write a will, or if you already have one you need to amend it. Please consult your solicitor or whoever holds your will. For more information, please email us.

Organise a fundraiser

Get involved, get creative and get planning your own event that raises both money and awareness about domestic violence and our services. We would love you to stage an event in your community, or with your family and friends – they’re fun, rewarding and a great way to meet new people.

Ideas for a fundraising event include organising a sausage sizzle at your local shopping mall; organise a gig with cover charge, having a garage sale; throwing a progressive dinner party with your friends or workmates, with each person hosting a different course at their house; or getting sponsored in an event like a fun-run, walk or a triathalon. Our annual appeal is held every July so holding an event in this month would be very helpful too.

Promote your event on Facebook or Fundraise Online as an easy way for your friends, family and workmates to sponsor you. We’d love to hear about your efforts – please email us. Besides, we may even be able to assist!

Donate good-quality items

We do accept good quality, tidy, used donations for our safe-house or for women setting up homes. Good quality furniture, bedding, white ware etc is appreciated, however we do have limited storage space so are not always able to take all items offered. If you have goods to donate, please email us to discuss. Thank you!.

Get in touch

Contact your local
refuge now!

0800 REFUGE (733 843)

Wellington Women’s Refuge
44 Wigan Street
P.O. Box 11985
Manners Street

Te Whare Rokiroki, Màori Womens Refuge
44 Wigan Street
P.O. Box 24319
Manners Street


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Wellington Womens Refuge Maori Womens Refuge

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